Seznamte se s námi!
Apartmán LOBE je realizací snu, který se stal skutečností díky spolupráci dvou mladých rodin. Jako rodiny milující sport a turistiku jsme v předchozích letech navštívili různá nádherná místa v Rakousku a vždy jsme se vraceli domů s myšlenkou, že bychom rádi měli apartmán, kde bychom se mohli dobře bavit nejen my, ale i naše děti.
Náš sen se stal skutečností v Bad Mitterndorfu, kde jsme v budově Aquamarin Resort našli ideální místo pro vytvoření apartmánu LOBE. Chtěli jsme vytvořit místo, kde bychom sami rádi trávili svůj čas. Máme pocit, že se nám podařilo vytvořit čistý apartmán s moderním designem a vybavením.

Airport Shuttle & Underground Parking
Free for all visitors except Single Rooms We know that our hotel’s visitors come from different places. But considering that most of them arrive in Indianapolis via the local airport, we wanted to make some extra step for their convenience. As a courtesy service, we’re always glad to offer you an airport shuttle service to […]
Cena: Bezplatná
Room Service & Concierge Service
Prices depend on the menu items you order Room service has always been one of the most essential (and popular) services for any hotel. With us being no exception to this practice, we at the Woods Hotel would truly like to be sure that any kind of additional service a customer wants can be easily […]
Cena: Bezplatná
SPA & Beauty Centre
Prices start at $180.00 Having our own SPA & beauty center comes as a great advantage for anyone who’s staying with us, as the majority of other hotels in the city do not offer such an additional servicing… Here you’ll be able to find a peace of mind at any time, as the SPA center […]
Cena: €200 / Denně / Za pobyt
Conference Hall for Business Events
Prices start at $380.00/hour Though a majority of our hotel’s visitors are families, traveling across the country, many business people visit our city and are staying at our hotel as well. Bearing in mind, that no business event can possibly happen without a place for having a meeting at, we offer you a number of […]
Cena: €390 / Denně / Za pobyt