Hallstatt a magical little town in the Austrian Alps, is both charming and fascinating. Our apartment is located just 30 km away for booking options click here!
Situated on the shores of Lake Hallstatter it is one of the world's best-known tourist destinations not only for its stunning natural surroundings, but also for its rich historical heritage and unique cultural traditions.
Hallstatt was made famous by the ancient salt mining industry and traces of this can still be seen in the townscape today. The village lies in a narrow valley between the surrounding hills, and its beautiful colourful houses line the steep slopes of the hills as if they were in a painting.
Walking around the city is like stepping back in time, as the medieval-style streets and squares are full of historical relics. Local museums and exhibitions present the magical history and cultural heritage of Hallstatt, giving you a glimpse into the life and customs of the past.
Hallstatt különleges vonzereje azonban nem csupán a múltban rejlik. A város körülbelül 7000 éves múltra tekint vissza, és a természet által kínált lenyűgöző környezetben való elhelyezkedése szinte már-már mesebeli. A Hallstatter-tó kristálytiszta vizével és a körülötte magasodó hegyek látványával örök emlékként marad meg az ide látogatók számára.